Squid's World

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Terms of Use

Squid's World

By using Squid's World, you accept these Terms of Use, which are are subject to change without notice.


Squid's World is a small creative studio in Texas, making cool projects.

COPPA Compliance Statement

No person under the age of 13 will be permitted to register for a Squid's World account. In the event that a person under the age of 13 is discovered to be using this service, their account and any associated data will be permanently deleted without notice.

HIPAA, FERPA, and GLBA Compliance Statement

Squid's World's services are not intended for use for any personal health information, educational records, or financial information, whether pertaining to the user or to any other individual or entity. Should such information be discovered in this service, it will be permanently deleted. Squid's World can not be held liable for any data loss due to a violation of these Terms of Use. We do not market ourselves as a financial, health, or education information system.

Disclaimer of Warranty

All Squid's World projects are creative and experimental in nature, and never to be relied on for serious high-risk purposes. No information obtained from or generated using Squid's World's services is ever intended as medical, legal, or financial advice. No calculation, result, or information provided is guaranteed to be accurate or useful for any purpose. Squid's World does not offer these services. You must consult a certified physician, attorney, or financial advisor for these matters.


Your activity on Squid's World is logged for usage analytics. Data collected is used solely by Squid's World and will never be sold to third-parties. It will only be released when required by U.S. Federal or Texas State Law.

Squid's World may use third party APIs as well as locally run AI models. Data entered may be transmitted over the internet to these APIs. Squid's World will never knowingly send your personal information to any third-party API provider, however, the content of your inputs into Squid's World's AI-enhanced systems will be sent to third-party APIs without review by Squid's World. Further, Squid's World cannot control data after being sent to a third party API provider. Therefore, it is your responsibility not to input any information into any Squid's World service which contains personal information you do not wish to be sent to a third-party API provider. Squid's World is not liable for any damages related to the usage of your data by third party API providers.

To ensure transparency, the names of every third party API provider used by Squid's World are listed below. Data sent to these third party vendors is subject to their respective privacy and data security policies and/or measures.

  1. OpenAI

Appropriate Use

Squid's World's services are offered only for appropriate use. We reserve the right to terminate user accounts and revoke access for inappropriate use, with no refund issued. Innapropriate use includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Generation of spam or repeated illegitimate requests for service
  2. Generation of pornographic content
  3. Generation of hateful and/or violent content
  4. Usage for Academic Dishonesty
  5. Plagiarism or Copyright Infringement
  6. Violating others' privacy, doxxing, or harassment
  7. Slander or libel
  8. Any activity recognized by the United States of America or the State of Texas as illegal.

Artificial Intelligence Disclaimer

Squid's World's service uses Artificial Intelligence technology, which is experimental. Artificial Intelligence is imprecise and fluid. Two instances of the same prompt may receive totally different answers. Artificial Intelligence may produce incorrect information. Squid's World makes no guarantee of the accuracy or correctness of any information that is produced by Artificial Intelligence. Squid's World's services which intended only to be helpful tools which provide approximations to accomodate user requests. It is always the user's responsibility to verify any information retrieved from this service.

Intellectual Property Statement

The branding, source code, products, and static content found within Squid's World are copyright Squid's World, all rights reserved. Squid's Worlds takes no position regarding the copyright status of any content generated by users. We do not claim ownership of content generated by users, nor do we certify users' ownership.

Waiver of Warranty

Squid's World's services are provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The provider makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the functionality, performance, or use of this product and expressly disclaims all such warranties. By using this product, the user acknowledges and agrees that all use is at the user's sole risk.